Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Renewing the Body

So I've done some New Year's posts on the mind and spirit...how about the body?  After all they all work together.  I started a week long cleanse and I'm on day three.  Too much holiday food and some gluten poisoning (I hate this, but it does happen occasionally) made it a no brainer for me.  On a cleanse of any length the first day is the hardest, the second day you feel great...the third day you feel alilttle yucko (the toxins are coming out).  Yes, I've got a bit of a headache and feel sluggish, but I'm pushing through.

A cleanse is about health not weight loss, although that is a benefit.  I just heard a great speaker today at MOPS who talked about women who are so overly focused on size and image that they obsess about what they eat.  This is not about that.  This is getting your body cleaned out and doing without things like sugar, dairy, eggs and red meat for a TIME.  And then adding healthy treats and extras back in, with moderation of course.

So here's what I've been eating if you are interested in trying something like it.  And along with the items I took out of my diet for awhile, I am ALWAYS free of gluten and processed foods/chemicals.  That doesn't mean I don't eat chocolate.  I couldn't live without my organic chocolate...especially Green And Blacks.



Breakfast: Plain waffle and fruit
Lunch: Brown Rice Tortilla with lettuce tomato and turkey
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Santa Fe Chicken (chicken, black beans, chilies, spices...over rice)


Breakfast:  Homemade pancake plain
Lunch: Hummus and crackers with fruit
Dinner:  Quinoa with lettuce tomato and turkey
Snack: Fruit and Snap Pea chips


Breakfast:  GF Oatmeal with pears and a Kay's bar
Lunch:  Amy's soup, crackers
Dinner: left over Santa Fe

These are a favorite all the time...but I leave the chocolate chips off them when I cleanse
These are the best crackers and you can get them at Costco
I've loved these for along time and just discovered that Costco is carrying them
Can't get enough Quinoa
Amy's Vegetable soup is so good on a winter day
New discovery...these are so good, and feel like you are eating a candy bar

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