Thursday, October 25, 2012

With Age Comes Great Beauty


My Mom is out of town this week, and my Grandma, Iris, needed me to take her to the doctor.  The amazing thing is, the appointment wasn't because anything was wrong, it was simple to get her established as a new patient.  I enjoy anytime I spend with my Grandma, and this was no exception.  She is a joy to be around, and has a great sense of humor.  I listened to her tell the nurse and then doctor her medical history...watched her expressive hands, the only thing that really shows her age of 92.  It just started to hit me what a life she's much she's seen.  It's amazing to me.  Her health is impeccable.  She isn't on meds, and has no issues.  The staff was amazed.
I was so impressed with the doctor.  He was sincerely loving, and caring.  I've been to doctors with her before where I left feeling like she was just discarded as "to old" to invest time into.  This doctor obviously valued her age and wisdom.  He had respect for the life experience and amazing attitude she displays.  I am so blessed to call this women my Grandma.  I've learned so much from her...and I'm realizing how much she still has to teach me.  I want to make sure and spend time before it's gone. 

She's also helped me teach my children the value of age.  They love her dearly.  Being around her their whole lives has helped them respect those who may not know anything about computers, but lived through more than we can ever know.  I pray that more young people and adults for that matter will see this value and respect those who are old.  There is so much that they have to give and to teach us...if we'll only listen and take the time.

1 comment:

Madee said...

You're so blessed to have a lovely grandmother! I never had a relationship with mine and I've always regretted it. I agree, with age does come great beauty - and wisdom!
Xoxo, Madee