(photos taken around my home, today)
Quiet. Peace. Stillness.
I think it's important to find a little each day. Take time to soak in this season. To rest in your Creator. Give yourself over to Him. To just be. We are a society of continuous activity...no wonder we are stressed.
I think we are afraid sometimes that if we stop, everything will fall apart. Or perhaps we are afraid of the quiet. Of what the still small voice might speak to us if we stop. Health and well-being is found in this stillness. Away from distractions, to do lists and phones. God's loving embrace waits.
Even if it's just 20 minutes, take some time. Without guilt. It will set the tone for your day and for those around you.
Breathe. Know that HE is God. Give Him the opportunity to move in your heart. To rest your soul.
"Surrendering to God is the key that unlocks the door to the life you want. A bigger spiritual 'to do' list or a calendar full of church activities will not change our lives. When we give ourselves to God - mind, body, soul and spirit - HE changes us. --Nicole Johnson (Fresh Brewed Life)
The leaves are turning,
Colors from Your heart.
Paintings of the Father,
Priceless works of art.
"Enjoy them in the moment",
Your voice seems to say.
They do not last forever,
So take some time today.
Catch the simple blessings,
Before they pass right through.
Hold His hope within you.
May it turn a warm, deep hue.
--Stacey Johnson
Beautiful! Loved your poem.
Very well put. Lovely!
Thank you for sharing! Beautiful photos! :)
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